Thursday, 13 October 2011

Cognitive Theories.... What I've learnt so far....

Last week Fiona set us the task to choose a learning theory , see what information we could find and share it with our Class mates :-) 

I chose Cognitive theory and read up on principles of Piaget , Vygotsky and Bruner.
Piaget believes that Children are Active learners and learn best in solitude. Piaget describes children as egocentric as they can only see the world through their own perspective.
There are 3 Early years stages
  • Sensori motor play (0-18mnths)
  • Symbolic play (18mnths-5yrs)
  • Co operative play (5-8yrs)
Cognitive theories say that All children develop at the same age and stage... However not always at the same rate. Cognitive theory says that both Nature and Nurture play a part in a child's growth and learning.

Socialcutlival Cognitive theory......
Bruner and Vygotsky agree that children learn through their own experience and that a child is active in their own development. The theories of Bruner and Vygotsky differ from Piaget as they put importance on Adult support and guidance. They say that children learn best through play that is encouraged by peers and adults , this is further explained Vygotsky's Zone of proximal development.

Whilst I was researching Cognitive theory I also found some information about Moyles Learning Spiral. The learning spiral starts with a child's free play and then progresses to Directed play by a peer or an adult to then master a skill though practice and structured play.

I agree with the basic idea's of Cognitive theory (Nature and Nurture)  , however I believe that to maximize a child's learning other theories should be incorporated. Cognitive theory doesn't support all the area's of a child's learning. Emotional and social development isn't addressed and I believe that they are just as important to develop a happy , emotionally intelligent child.